Friday, March 6, 2009

Spring Makeover

Ok, I know it's trite, but I can't help it. I just went shopping (I sneaked it in on my way home from an appointment, so it was Dylan free!!!) and I don't fit into any jeans -- ahhhhhhhhh! It's not just that because some fit - that is they buttoned and zipped --- but it's like I have a totally different body. I don't recognize this body. It doesn't even seem like mine. Where did my old one go????

So, now that I've eaten a slice of pizza and a chocolate bar, I need to figure out how to get it back. I don't think Weight Watchers is going to work again, because I'm just way too busy to remember to write down all the points. I guess we've been eating a lot of meat and pasta (and yes, ok, fine, chocolate!!!!), so that's got to stop.

But I don't want to give up chocoate. But I want to fit into pants. Ahhhhhhhh!

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